Breakthrough Wave Simulation Software to Boost Metamaterials Development

A generated wave simulation using red dots.

Researchers at Macquarie University have developed a new software package capable of accurately modelling the way waves are scattered when they meet complex configurations of particles.

The software, which works with sound, water, or light waves, improves the ability to design metamaterials - artificial materials used to amplify, block, or deflect waves.

The findings, published in the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society’ journal in June 2024, demonstrated the use of TMATSOLVER, a multipole-based tool capable of modelling interactions between waves and particles of different shapes and properties.

The TMATSOLVER software uses a transition matrix (T-matrix) which describes how an object scatters waves.

“The T-matrix has been used since the 1960s, but we’ve made a big step forward in accurately computing the T-matrix for particles much larger than the wavelength, and with complex shapes,” said lead author, Dr Stuart Hawkins from Macquarie University's School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

The research team used four example problems in metamaterial design to demonstrate the software’s capabilities. These included arrays of anisotropic particles, high-contrast square particles, and tuneable periodic structures that slow down waves.

“Using TMATSOLVER, we have been able to model configurations of particles that could previously not be addressed,” Hawkins added.

The design of metamaterials is to have unique properties unfound in the natural environment. This allows them to interact with electromagnetic, sound, or other waves, by controlling the size, shape, and armament of their nanoscale structures.

The applications of this include super-lenses capable of viewing objects at a molecular scale, perfect wave absorption for energy harvesting or noise reduction, or even invisibility clocks capable of refracting all visible light.

“We have shown that our software can compute the T-matrix for a very wide range of particles, using the techniques most appropriate for the type of particle,” said Dr Hawkins. “This will enable rapid prototyping and validation of new metamaterial designs”.

The findings of the team’s research, and further development of the TMATSOLVER tool, could have wide application in accelerating research and development in the growing global market for metamaterials. 

Executive Dean at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Macquarie University, Professor Lucy Marshall added, “This research represents a big leap forward in our ability to design and simulate complex metamaterials and is a prime example of how innovative computational methods can drive advancements in materials science and engineering”.

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